CEREC: Same Day Beautiful Crowns & Onlays
Dr. Skvorak is an experienced, conscientious dentist who has served the Greater Portland area for 28 years. Dr. Skvorak provides excellent restorative dentistry by utilizing the latest technology.
CEREC technology provides our patients with same-day crowns and onlays. Dr. Skvorak has been utilizing this technology for over 12 years. The CEREC unit uses a cad-cam device to take a virtual impression of your teeth (no impressions needed, just digital pictures with a special camera) and Dr. Skvorak designs your restoration while you are comfortably watching, or reading a magazine or watching television. Once the restoration is designed, a small block of porcelain that has been selected to match your natural tooth color is inserted into the CEREC milling unit and your restoration is milled in 15 to 20 minutes. Once completed, your restoration is cemented into place and you get to leave the office with a permanent restoration without the restrictions of a temporary crown.
CEREC crowns fit precisely, look beautiful and natural, save time in the chair, conserve healthy tooth structure and reduce post-op sensitivity.